In Stock items may be either at the shop or the warehouse.
To view before purchasing, please check the product details to confirm it's in-store.
Despite having the largest drum store in the known universe, we do occasionally have to make space for new stock to arrive. This is where you can find some amazing bargains. These items may be new, ex-display or used; they might be old stock, discontinued or we may just be overstocked e.g. if someone has ordered 50 when they meant to order 5 - it does happen!
You need to realise that these crazy prices are on a first come first served basis, once they are gone they may never be repeated. These deals are only valid for items we have in stock on this page (so no back orders) and we wouldn't recommend asking your local store to price match! Items will be added regularly so check-in often so you you don’t miss out on some serious bargains…!